
Showing posts from December, 2022

Thors hammer

 David use Thor’s hammer. We must save up to hire a girlfriend. The prime minister needs to up the savings limit for those on esa growing their own food. So we can save up for a real servant girlfriend. 

Pay less tax - go for the right hand possesses

 David if you hire girlfriends for other work they are tax deductible. 

David go for the right hand possesses

 David wedding dowries are a waste of time you get conned. Trust is servant girl of the right hand possesses to have a relationship and children with. Make them work for you. Allahs whip. 

Used by countless women

 David this type of stuff women are pulling is evil. Adam don’t trust Eve I said in a trance and women nurses hissed at me like snakes. But here is some examples of what I mean: Camelia lazard took me for a £4000 guarantor loan which would have been £8000 to pay back to be my girlfriend and live with me. But she vanished - it was a dowry david. Pearl Henderson took over £2000 to be my girlfriend and make me have an aids and std test which I did and I was clean . Then she blocked me on Facebook and fell pregnant to another man over me and my kindness. I say venom of Moses’s snake now. Women set me free of being a car and let me have a relationship and children. 

I don’t want a servant boy

 I want my own children from my seed. I am fedup supporting other mens children and not having my own. I now give them venom of a salad 🥗 bowl. Allah on my side and we just keep fighting this culture that doesn’t allow me to buy a girlfriend easier that will have my children.  Job superhero 

I have evolved

 David I have evolved to become the last avatar. I now plan on having children to Any girlfriend that I find that will work for me in marketing. Known as the right hand possesses. I am the going to let the girlfriends pay for the children by eating mens wallets. 

Plant potatoes

 Hi David I came to Ripon Cathedral and donated a bag of potatoes to the food bank in the basket. There isn’t going to be enough food for everyone with the cost of living unless people learn to grow some of their own food. 

God Sam

 Sam is my god it Stands for stealthy, Allah, mode.