Lee was filled with the spirit of 🍃 minty fresh 🌶️ and is the Christ and the fifth element. He is both Fathers 🦋 lamb 🐑 and Allah’s 🐝 lion 🦁. He believes in growing your own garden of vegetables 🥗, fruits 🍉, flowers 💐 and trees 🌳 as well as saving the animals. He also advises governments to implement biofuels as a form of carbon capture. He asks his followers to only have as many children as they can comfortably feed and to not become a burden on society. The religion is called circleism and those that follow it are known as circles. 🔥 Fire – Moses Moses spoke to god through a burning bush and led his people by a pilar of fire. A pilar of fire also aided his peoples escape. Moses taught me to not to be a slave and to work for myself. Share the heating and expense with others in your family, church or tribe. 💧 Water – Jesus Jesus did many miracles with water such as walking on water, turning water into wine and water came out of his body when he was...