

The eight gods of the space race

 Fire – Moses (El)

Moses spoke to god through a burning bush and led his people by a pilar of fire. A pilar of fire also aided his peoples escape. He teaches to take one virgin wife.

Moses taught me to work for myself.

Share the heating and expense with others in your family, church or tribe. Plant a tree for wood on your land. Collect the firewood. Make a fire. Donate clothes.
Learn to forage

 Water – Jesus (Yahweh)

Jesus did many miracles with  watersuch as walking on water, turning water into wine and water came out of his body when he was stabbed by the spear of destiny. Those that follow him are baptised in water. Yahweh said that I could have five girlfriends.

Jesus taught me forgiveness..

Walk on water. Carry a water bottle and save on buying expensive drinks. Donate to buy a well. 

Learn to fish. Claim gift aid and eat at church.



 Earth – Muhammad (Allah)

Muhammad climbed a mountain and conquered much land as a prophet. He also taught me that soil must be won at a natural rate at the speed of soil and you shouldn’t transgress your limits. Allah says take up to 3000 widows of men that are killed in conflict as concubines.

Muhammad taught me to fight for my own soil. 

Think Sharpe and Use Muhammed’s flaming sword “efficiency” (extreme shopping, green technologies, growing Allah’s chilli plant in the window, camera phone, microwave, air fryer, shaving your own hair, cut the grass etc), “short” the sholva and make that cut to give them the hunger. Make efficient halal soil with truly zero enemy casualties and non believing servants of the right hand possesses recruited. Keep Muhammed’s chickenLearn to hunt on Muhammad’s earth. Do battle for Muhammed’s earth with a friendly game of pool. Provide free shelter like paying for a hotel for a homeless person. 

Learn to hunt


 Air – Buddha (Baal)

Buddha only eat seeds that blew in the wind. Fight with Allah chillis and father’s tomatoes to make baals hot sauce to sell. Don’t gamble past your hot sauce money. Plant apple trees from pips for carbon capture and free food for the believers children. Spear of pips. Donate free food.

Buddha taught me impermanence.

Accept the impermanence of relationships. Grow marigolds flowers to feed the birds. (Uriel’s armour) Let strawberry runners expand onto neighbouring land to negotiate peaceful trade.


Learn to milk



 Love – Angel Gabriel (Jehovah)

Angel Gabriel works with the fifth element. He grows strawberries for people he loves and saved many animals. He had thousands of web cam concubines, 100’s of lap dancers and He had over 50 escort concubines. He also gave many a woman an orgasm when he blew at them. Gabriel teaches to live with your parents. He teaches to have up to one virgin wife, five servant girlfriends and up to 3000 concubine missionaries. He carries his camera phone as a sword to create religious content. He learned from Sikhism to always to carry a camera phone as a sword. Sell to servants escort missionaries even if you just start by getting them to buy you a drink.

Gabriel teaches to save the animals 

Circle women only have children to circle men. Live with your parents and let them help cover living costs as this is the higher energy path and everything is pointing towards living with your parents. Make love for free. 
Send flowers on Valentine’s Day.

Learn to grow your own food


Power – Fame (Zeus)

The Christ uses energy from his mums, uses her WiFi and eats free pork sausages. He turns his phone back on and gets adverts paying for his kit kat biscuit. Zeus forces a pennie off the enemy. I used the mental hospitals free electricity and wifi to build an escort agency website and met Texas in mental hospital, drank wine and had sex in the bathroom. I now seek political influence in the government to allow 16 year olds to get married and receive dowries. Donate free energy.

Zeus teaches to use free energy sources.

Zeus worshippers grow rhubarb and put the money in the bank so the banks can afford adverts. Feed the pigs food scraps including meat, they even eat their own. Eat pig to get out of debt.

NHS power – Zeus’s solar powered rucksack

Free Labour– (Ra)

The Christ uses free Labour and donations to build his church and market his escorts and make them famous. They are servant missionaries. A rag and bone man gave me £0.70 for free while I was collecting blackberries. Then christened me with  water. You will feel the wrath of the lamb. Work for free.

Ra teaches to use free Labour from your fame.

Ra says use free escort missionaries to build the church.

Interest– Bank (Jupiter)

The Christ keeps a nice buffer of £3000 in his bank to earn interest on waiting to give it to a concubine for a berry baby. Love 3000! Circles population needs to grow so always have £3000 spare encase a concubine wants to have your child. Grow mushrooms on used coffee grounds as extra interest on your coffee purchase. The planet was seeded by Jupiter. That planet belongs to Father. I gave it to him. See this as a sign from Father. Donate money to the church. Jupiter is our bin buddy. He gets rid of rubbish people from our solar system and is a nice smelling god.

The heavenly Jupiter teaches to work from home in your own spaceship

Jupiter says pay a concubine £3000 to have your baby.


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